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Sweetness777 last won the day on May 25 2022

Sweetness777 had the most liked content!


571 Excellent

About Sweetness777

  • Community Level
    Prefers Dark Meat


  • Real name
    King Dingaling Seatsmusher
  • Your gender
  • Location
    Hawaii, United States


  • About Yourself
    See... ...man ain't like a dog. And when I say "man," I'm talking about man as in mankind, not man as in men. Because men, well, we a lot like a dog. You know, we like to piss on things. Sniff a bitch when we can. Even get a little pink hard-on the w
  • Your favorite poker sites
    32Red Poker
  • Favorite poker hand
  • Your profession
    Marine Corps; thinking about -AG- during all waking hours and what her poon smells like
  • Favorite place to play
    Phoenix, AZ
  • Your hobbies
    Sports handicapping, Football fanatic, Drawing big cocks and licking the paper
  • Favorite Tournament Game and Limit
    NL/PL HE SNGs, $20 to $50

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