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The $40,000 Sunday Monsoon



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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
1 THEKIDM8 $7,821.00
2 Spoonwood $5,648.50
3 wackworm376 $4,214.65 6172 5
5 Ineedmorelv $2,189.88 0
6 EeeTee2008 $1,755.38
7 Lorylicious $1,320.88
8 gingasnapped $890.72
9 pokerdave128 $543.12
10 ALEXROMA82 $456.22
11 xXninjaXx $456.22
12 mannekenpis1 $456.22
13 tog_go_bog_e $369.32 46
14 AAniccAA $369.32 6828 3
15 R2Rka $369.32
16 n0Name4me $282.42
17 UrShitStorm $282.42
18 lolnicehand $282.42 910 1998
19 assembly_y $199.87
20 GringoSSa $199.87
21 OneH1tWonder $199.87
22 Chuchi1997 $199.87
23 learycanary $199.87
24 THEitinBEST2 $199.87
25 luttekikker $199.87
26 monzemann $199.87 1073 1

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