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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
1 madframer $19,050.00
2 MegaB1te $11,811.00
3 GBecks $8,572.50
4 eatschips $6,667.50
5 jakypoo182 $4,953.00 0
6 Care4Nature $3,619.50
7 Red Bikini $2,362.20 3
8 Luigi_Babyface $1,905.00
9 Supertuan1 $1,485.90 3
10 seth owns $838.20 10
11 Reds20 $838.20 33
12 magikstick8 $838.20 7569 31921
13 LUVEMnLEAVUM $647.70
14 bballer88 $647.70 1353
15 billyland $647.70
16 GODSHAMGOD $457.20 938
17 DBlue07 $457.20
18 BamaRod $457.20
19 siphon3511 $342.90 0
20 Mandy B $342.90 9
21 StevoL_7 $342.90
22 JROBB $342.90 242
23 blur5f6 $342.90 79
24 ShiP ThA LooT $342.90
25 Hommefatale $342.90

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