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The Fifty-Fifty



FullTilt Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
1 mostlynutz $11,884.50 23
2 WYF12 $7,318.35
3 beachbruin $5,066.55
4 Dubya32 $3,909.38
5 paranoyak $2,971.13
6 ManchVegasPwn $2,126.70 876
7 hoopref71 $1,563.75
8 nav nagger $1,232.24
9 flopthanutstr8 $957.02
10 mingia $750.60
11 caytanya $750.60
12 dee711 $750.60
13 reddog706 $569.21
14 Uithof $569.21
15 stanman420 $569.21 3
16 bigtate32 $412.83
17 CSTEP02 $412.83 4784 20
18 vcehorosho $412.83 82
19 SteamCleaner $293.99 162
20 j3ext3550 $293.99
21 Dolech $293.99 35
22 Monkey Man dude $293.99
23 iRockThisSht $293.99
24 4sawyer $293.99
25 leonides1 $293.99

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